VERONICAS Veronica [Spanish]: 1. A pass in bullfighting 2. A religious image on a shawl I. The green face of the old guitar splits into fruitbowls and castanets the horse is wedged into his own intestines a veil in the hands of a schoolgirl a tin can bent to work cardboard accordions hung with thumbtacks horns at the heart of the corrida a baboon with two headlights a cow made out of handlebars sheet metal shows its anatomy arguments among angles disagreements between degrees eloquence of femur and fibulae fibs of biceps burping bones lying lascivious on the beach II. Picasso is an orange: peel off his Spanish skin and you find succulent geometries vivid yellow veins the juice of the sun you lick, a red cat, from your paws. III. Look at that man pick! Doing the Retinal Breakdown, struttin' the Collage Rag, jamming on horsehairs and a jug of paint, playing the changes on Valesquez, swinging a standard by Van Gogh - Doing the Monkey with a Minotaur, twisting again with the Parti Communiste - growling out the Guernica - crooning down a dove - rocking at the Anatomy, boning up on skin tones, shaking and shaping the Hoodoo heart of them old Barcelona blues. IV. The planes of her face come open like windows. Her eye slides away. Her nose folds neatly down the middle. Half of her neck disconnects. Her jaw swings open like barroom doors. Her hat is a lampshade. Her temples are triangular. Her cheekbones are stacked bowls. Her face has been shuffled and redealt and staggers like a ballroom staircase down to the corner of the canvas.... V. My guitars bloom in angular colors and bent planes. Their petals open in figure eights, falling flat on symmetrical faces, shouting the black fruit of their music through the stamen of six strings. Come and see them in my garden: blocks of wood sliced like apples thorns in a gunny sack trained to attack the lazy metal leaves of a white and blue tree - Your eye is invited to strum upon them dancing to the outlines of the odors of light. copyright 1986, James B. Chevallier